主题:The Life and Ministry of George Müller (乔治·穆勒)
讲员:Sigurd Kaiser(凯习德)
推荐阅读:Arthur T. Pierson, George Müller of Bristol and His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God
The book covers the life story (biography) of a German minister who wanted to go overseas but only got as far as to England where he started a great orphan ministry. He basically led his life to demonstrate the power of prayer. He became an important advisor and supporter of Hudson Taylor(戴德生). The book has been published in many editions and languages. The original edition is from 1899. It can be downloaded for free from the Internet .
讲员介绍:凯习德,德国锡根大学(University of Siegen)理学硕士,美国富勒神学院(Fuller Theological Seminary)道学硕士,德国杜宾根大学(University of Tübingen)神学博士,2006年至今在我院担任客座讲席。